Special Delivery Part 2

The first proof copy has been under the microscope since it arrived. I’ve found that some errors just don’t show themselves until they’re bound and in print! Long lists of necessary changes have been noted and checked off. Small changes in color and design have been applied to the cover. A few more pages in the back have been added to enhance the educational value to readers. So, nearly a month later (phew!), proof copy 2 has arrived!

Just in case you read my prior post, Special Delivery, and are wondering: yes, I again found it impossible to resist tearing open the envelope at the mailbox.

After cursory examination, the changes look good. I’m encouraged that little more needs to be done before I begin sending it out into the world for its pre-publication debut. From my list of accomplished, well-known people in the field of aviation I plan to contact, hopefully at least a few will be willing to help a newbie like me get started as an author.