Book Design Portfolio
Layout & Design
Flight Emergency:
Take the Left Seat in Eight Role-Playing Emergency Scenarios
written and illustrated by Reya Kempley
- Published by Starflight Press
- Black and white 136-page paperback book
- eBook conversion (epub, Kindle)
- Find out more about this book or order a copy

Stall/Spin Awareness
by Rich Stowell (publisher: Rich Stowell Consulting)
- eBook conversion (epub)
- Visit for more information
- Preview and purchase on Apple’s iBookstore

Emergency Maneuver Training
by Rich Stowell (publisher: Rich Stowell Consulting)
- eBook conversion (epub)
- Visit for more information
- Preview and purchase on Apple’s iBookstore

Flying the Cessna 210: The Secrets Unlocked
by Chuck McGill (Publisher)
- Proofreading
- Full color 196-page print book
- eBook conversion (epub, Kindle, PDF)
- Folding promotional handout/flyer, advertisements
- Visit Safe Flight International for more information and to order

Turn the Tuner Sooner
by the Kempley Family
- Published by Starflight Press
- Black and white 70-page paperback book
- Visit the book’s page at Bee Safe for more information

The BeeSting Instructional Booklet
by Tarl Kempley
- Published by Starflight Press
- Full color 5.5 x 8.5-inch 12-page booklet
- Visit the book’s page at Bee Safe for more information

The 4T Instructional Booklet
by Tarl Kempley
- Published by Starflight Press
- Full color 3.5 x 5-inch 14-page booklet
- Visit the 4T page at Bee Safe for more information