Pilot, flight instructor, and author Rich Stowell, known as “The Spin Doctor,” is an expert on the subject of loss of control in airplanes. He has produced books and four DVD programs covering spins, emergency maneuvers, and aerobatics. He also provides personalized training to make pilots safer and more knowledgeable in the air. Now his two books, Emergency Maneuver Training and Stall/Spin Awareness, are available in ebook format in Apple’s iBookstore!
An excerpt from his news release:
In June, Stowell will celebrate 25 years as a full-time aviation educator. He is the 2006 National CFI of the Year, an eight-time Master Instructor, and a charter member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators. He has logged more than 33,000 spins and 24,000 landings.
It was an honor and a pleasure to work with Rich on this project! If you are a pilot of any experience level, Rich’s books and flight training programs are well worth your time, and just may save your life someday.